Our Team


Mandy Stark

Owner / Wine Buyer

Mandy was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. She loves wine, family, and movies, though not in that order. Though she has no formal wine education, her curiosity and love of fermented grapes has landed her two wine bars, and she couldn’t be happier. Mandy loves creating an inviting and accessible space for wine lovers of all levels. Her preferred style is bubbles, her favorite grape is Cabernet Franc, and she is partial to French wine.

Contact Mandy for special requests, collaborations, or event planning at mandy@portlandwinecellar.com

Rob Messick

Hospitality Manager / Wine Buyer

Specialty: California wineries, especially Cali Chard!

Rob joined in 2013 when he relocated to Portland. He worked in the high-end wine game for nearly 30 years and has an exceptional palate! He holds his WSET Level 2 exam, having passed with distinction. His knowledge of domestic wines, specifically California, and his natural ability for food and wine pairings are truly impressive!

Contact Rob for special orders and pairing suggestions at rob@portlandwinecellar.com

Kendra Stark

Owner / Manager

Kendra is from the PNW and has been working in restaurants for 18 years. She has worked front and back of house and nowadays spends most of her time in the kitchen and the office. As a double Capricorn she identifies as a workaholic and can be seen at both the Stark sisters places: Maeve Coffee and Wine and The Wine Cellar. She is grateful to get to spend everyday working with her sister.

Her favorite wine is a yummy Lambrusco!

Contact Kendra about special requests, events and collaborations at Kendra@portlandwinecellar.com

Andy McVay

Sales / Wine Education

Specialty: Oregon Pinot Noir and the next new wine

After nearly 20 years in wine production, Andy joined the client-facing game, tackling sales at The Wine Cellar. He’s currently finishing up his WSET Diploma (the highest level of wine education through the Wine & Sprits Education Trust). His work here at the shop is the culmination of his love for wine, education, and sustainability. Andy dreams of a wine industry where sustainable practices rule and he’s helping make it so, one class, one post at a time!

Contact Andy to discover your next ”green” bottle of wine.
